Track Important Deadlines

Even if you decide not to escalate a workplace harassment or discrimination complaint beyond your company, it is important to know some key information and dates from the beginning, because:

  • You have a limited amount of time to reach a resolution with your company and still retain the option to file a complaint with the EEOC or your state agency.
  • Knowing these dates (incident, firing, filing) from the start may give you leverage while seeking a resolution with your company.
  • If you miss one of these important dates, your complaint will be dismissed and you have no legal recourse.
  • Remember: Your HR department knows these dates, make sure you do too.

Keep track of important dates:

  • Use your personal calendar only.
  • You have 180 days (6 months from the incident) to file a harassment, discrimination, or retaliation complaint with the EEOC.  You have 60 days to file an Age discrimination complaint with the EEOC. 
  • Check your State’s Fair Employment Agency deadlines to confirm the “statute of limitations” for filing a complaint with your state agency. Your state may allow more time to file a complaint. You can access your state’s fair employment agency  HERE.
  • Add your LAST DAY TO FILE A COMPLAINT to your personal calendar. 
  • Ask Google “What is the date ____[180 days or whatever your state statute is – whichever is greater] days from ______?” [the date of the last incident of harassment, discrimination or retaliation]. 
  • Add this date to your personal calendar. This will be the LAST DAY you are able to file a claim with the EEOC (180 days) and your state agency.
  • Ask Google for the date 21 days before your FILE DATE. Add this date to your personal calendar with an alert so you have time to evaluate your options, and decide your next steps. 
  • If you think your issue is resolved, and then another incident occurs, including job loss due to retaliation, update your file date 180 days from the last incident.
  • Continue to document any additional incidents of discrimination or retaliation (See documentation templates HERE).
  • NOTE: If you reported an incident to HR, they will be keeping track of these dates as well.

EEOC filing deadlines:

  • You have 180 days (6 months) from the day of the last incident to file a complaint with the EEOC (60 days for Age Discrimination claims).
  • Depending on your state, the filing deadline may be extended. See your state filing time frame on our State Agency and Statutes Page.
  • Once you have filed your complaint, the EEOC has 180 days (6 months) to review your claim and determine next steps toward obtaining a “Right to Sue Letter” or dismissing your claim.
  • You can find more information on the EEOC complaint process HERE.
  • NOTE: Filing Date Extensions will NOT be extended. Holidays and weekends are included in all time frames.
  • Once your complaint has been filed, add an alert in your personal calendar 180 days from your file date. This is your EEOC Claim Status Date. 
  • Additional information from the EEOC regarding filing deadlines: deadlines

Keeping track of important deadlines will provide you with a clear timeline to make a decision on filing a complaint outside your company organization.

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