The Workplace Harassment Meter
and Possible Resolution Options
There are different types of harassment and discrimination people may experience at work. There are also different levels of harassment. Not every type of harassment warrants the same reaction.
While it may be hard to assess someone’s intent, understanding the severity of harassment can help you decide what options you have available.
The Workplace Harassment Meter can help you determine the type and severity of the harassment you are experiencing. Additionally it is important to recognize the type/s of discrimination and harassment you are experiencing (see definitions HERE). By understanding the severity and type of harassment you are experiencing you can determine all your options before taking the next step toward a resolution.
For example, if someone is saying an inappropriate joke, going to the police is not relevant. But if you experience physical harassment, like assault, which is a criminal act, going to the police is one of many options available.
Ignorant Harassment
- The person is ignorant or unaware their behavior is unacceptable
- They don’t appear to have a motive associated with undermining or enforcing a power imbalance
- Usually occurs in plain site, out in the open
- References stereotypes to explain or reference behavior, in both positive and negative terms
- Many times the people they are referring to are not in the room
- Telling jokes or stories that reference gender, sexual orientation, race, color etc.
- Often happens more than one time
- May use terminology that was once socially acceptable
Resolution Options:
Disguised Harassment
- Subtle, passive aggressive behavior
- Intentional, motive driven to undermine or enforce a power imbalance
- Creates a power imbalance
- Can be explained away by harasser, gaslighting
- Difficult to prove
- Thinly veiled propositions, innuendos etc.
- Sharing inappropriate stories, jokes, media
- Social touching, invading personal space
Resolution Options:
Direct Harassment
- Direct, out in the open, intentional and with motive to undermine or enforce a power imbalance
- Harasser will most likely have status at the company
- Harasser feels confident they won’t be held accountable
- Propositions with or without implied threat
- Quid pro quo proposition
- Sharing inappropriate stories, jokes, media
- Touching, invading personal space
Resolution Options:
Criminal Harassment
- Direct, with intent to undermine, harm, enforce a power imbalance
- Indecent exposure
- Physical assault
- Sexual assault
- Threatening assault with bodily harm,
- Displaying or use of a weapon
- Stalking
Resolution Options: